Tuesday, April 6, 2010

got to get a camera!

Donald took vacation this week because we have the week off from school. The plan was to get the yards in shape and do other odds and ends. Silly us! What were we thinking?
Dave and Eileen picked up a vinyl cutting machine to add to the business they already have. Only problem is they have ooutgrown the space at the g-parents house. Sunday afternoon Dave started drawing up plans for the new office to be constructed behind the existing barn. He and Donald are going to build it this week while we are all on brake. No, the solarium, kitchen, floors, and gardens are not finished BUT they are all usable and watertight so why not start something new. Can I just tell you we are never bored around here nor do we get up in the morning and say I have nothing to do today.

1 comment:

Corey and Nikki Preston said...

so are they planning on living at the compound forever?