Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dave loves Demolition!

It really is a domino effect around here. The bathroom needs some work, but Dave wants to move it. Before we can move it to where the office is now we need somewhere to put the office. The logical place to store stuff is the solarium, but due to rotted wood and stopped up drainage outside the door, we get water in there most every time it rains. All this with Donald working, Dave and Eileen both working and trying to go to school, me needing a nap because getting up for seminary cuts into my sleep needs. Can't anyone out there connect us with any home improvement shows. We particularly like HGTV's "Holmes on Homes". He is our guys newest hero. He believes if you are going to do a job, do it right the first time. That is why Dave is tearing brick off the outside of the house as well as inside! What changes this room has gone through in the last ten years. The first picture, is the new brick kitchen floor. It is so easy to keep clean and looks great all the time. Dallin has no problem crawling around on it. In case you are wondering, Dave and Eileen have no idea how long they will be here. Only definite thing is until he finishes school in the fall. Hey, I don't plan on going anywhere so I will enjoy,enjoy and enjoy IF we all survive the transformation. I gotta say, the new kitchen is pretty spectacular!

These are all the before pictures.
All the crazy shapped windows will be gone.

This beautiful brick was hidden under sheetrock over where the shelf for hanging wet towels was at.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Fun at the Porch

We had a muddy mess in front of the barn steps due to all the rain. Everyone pitched in to help move the mountain of rocks. The store just dumps them, they don't spread them. Of course I didn't get the camera until we were almost done. You gotta love Granddaddy's home made leveler. It was fun when it got stuck a couple of times. That is why G-dad is on the back. Somehow it helps balance things out. I could have called this blog Golf cart use number 137!

Dallin trying to escape to join the fun

Grandmom enjoying all the action from her throne

G-dad hanging on for dear life!

Eileen taking a break from shoveling since the guys found an "easier" way

Jed was wishing someone would let him drive the cart

Everyone had to ride along even though they were going in circles

Broccoli that survived the cold

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Miracle Ear

I actually had to go buy one the other day. And yes, it does wonders. I had an earache a week ago. It lasted one day. Then the other ear hurt briefly. Then they both got better but I had major loss of hearing. So I looked online and it said temporary loss was not uncommon. I had a doctor appt. scheduled anyway. When I went in for the appt. they found wax in one ear, other nothing wrong with it. We all figured the wax removal should clear the problem. Nope. So come to find out from the kids ENT doctor I may have nerve damage and need steriods. Can't find out till next Thursday unless insurance and appt come through earlier. I mean how long is temporary anyway. I don't have any pain. I never had veritgo or drainage, not even too bad pain. It really is quite scary though not being able to hear. Driving is even more of a nightmare. I can't even teach seminary effectively. I guess it is time to practice what I preach and trust in the Lord. I had Donald give me a blessing today. I need everyone to pray for me whatever the outcome. I am trying to keep the sense of humor we have all had about the miracle ear. At least it looks like a bluetooth though I don't even have a cell phone yet.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wall of Insanity

(In Doctor office, shaking all over as I recline on the table.)
Doctor,"So, Mrs. Seaman what do you think caused you to have this condition?"
Mrs. Seaman, " It was either the clutter or the sugar, I'm not quite sure."

Several years ago Dave and Eileen gave me my first machine for Christmas. I was working at the time and enjoyed taking candy into the office and delighting my co-workers with a little treat. The collection grew as a new machine came out the following year. Twenty-two machines later this is the result. That doesn't count the other little doodads in the collection. Should they be buried with me or should I let the Smithsonian have them?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Word Follow-up

I think I did great with my word. Next year will be even better with the addititon of a new, larger refrigerator for the poolhouse. My word was ignore. It is hard but I am slowly getting better at not letting everyone else's issues become mine. I cut way baack on my M&m consumption. I ignored all the after Valentine, Easter and Fourth of July candy sales. I slipped after Halloween but only because I had to buy for my seminary students. I think I was able to ignore the confusion and disorder of the kitchen remodeling project.
The new year will bring many challenges I am sure. Isn't that what life is all about though in the end? Let's not call them challenges, let's think of them as opportunities. That is my word for 2010.