Monday, May 9, 2011

The perfect gift

Some people have a knack for finding just the right gift for people they love. I was not blessed with that talent. In fact, I struggle so much with it, I have given up and started giving money along with my best wishes and expression of eternal love. I know how it feels to be the person standing looking on when someone else gives the perfect gift. You smile and say, Oh, how sweet,beautiful,thoughtful,etc. while inside you are screaming,why, why, couldn't I have thought of that? We all know that love is not based on perfect gifts. Love is so much deeper and is only measured in ways that cannot be defined.
Having said this, David and Eileen gave me the perfect gift yesterday. Anyone who sees it will have to agree. Hopefully it will survive the small children, cats, dogs, birds, thiefs, etc. until I can find a nice safe place for it.Here is the website the inspiration came from and here are the photos of my fairy garden.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jed's Prom

Jed's junior prom was yesterday. Natascha made him reluctantly go with her. Not that he minds going places with her, just places that entail putting on long pants and combing his hair.
He was counting on my rose garden to provide flowers for a bouquet but when they didn't cooperate he started panicking a little and made a late night trip to Walmart Friday night because that is where everyone gets their girl flowers for prom. Sat morn I saw the measly little bundle of white mums he had picked up and asked if that was it. He informed me he expected me to do something with them.
Thanks to Melissa Nickle, who gave us all such insight into making do with what you have, I created a lovely little nosegay for Natascha. The pics don't do it justice. The zinna's had just burst into bloom and were the right color. The fern had survived the cold winter. I had purple pins Melissa had left behind. Oh, and Jed had picked up a roll of purple ribbon with the carnations.
There was one tiny little purple rosebud we watched all day, hoping to see it burst into full bloom before evening. At the eleventh hour I gave up and cut it anyway and pushed it into the middle of the mums and zinnas. Natascha thought it all was perfect and in the end her opinion is the only one that mattered.