Saturday, October 4, 2008

How lucky am I?

I finally have an oven that meets my needs again. Actually I have two ovens! Dave and Donald finished installing it yesterday. I have cooked cookies in the bottom and an angel food cake in the top so I am open for business. I know it will be heaven. When something like this happens I wonder how I managed for the last ten years. I have fed a lot of people in this house! I think it is because we woman make do. We take what we are given and make it work. Or maybe I just don't demand enough from life. All I know is I have to start making a list of what to do with all the free time I will have now that I can do a whole days cooking in one hour. By the way, if anyone needs to "borrow" it come on over.


The Sauls Family said...

I'm jealous of your ovens, but even more jealous that you will have a gas cooktop.

Jolee said...

so glad to hear from you and know you are enjoying the blog! So far, I'm having a great time here! I'm jealous of your two ovens though... I still don't even have one! (Well, I have one, but I have not set up the gas for it yet, because everything in this country moves in slow motion!...even slower than GA!)