Monday, December 29, 2008

The Girls

No not all my adorable granddaughters. I am refering to G-dad's latest blogs. Who thought we would have a chicken farm in our backyard? I always thought G-dad thought they were smelly disgusting animals but you should see the house he keeps remodeling for his "girls" I must say there is one rooster out there also who is trained to begin crowing whenever he sees the hand that feeds him, anywhere in the yard. I tried to get a picture of rooster and the cat but wasn't successful yet. The cat follows Dad to the pen now as well as down to the road to pick up the paper. I would not be a bit surprised to see G-dad walking around the yard soon followed by a whole trail of critters? It will be ok as long as no one falls in the cement pond!

Not only are Dave and Eileen responsible for the chicken invasion but they gave the G-parents a digital picture frame for Christmas. Now everyone who visits can see what we presently look like instead of older pics. So keep posting photos on your blogs and we or Susan, the family techno person will transfer them to the frame.


The Sauls Family said...

I really hope someone uploads that picture of Granddaddy to the frame. It's priceless!

Susan said...

You don't remember how much he babied his "girls" when he had chickens in Brookfield? They would walk along with him which ever way he would walk. Seems like he's always had girls of some kind or another following him around.... :-)

Carol said...

The picture is priceless. He was telling me about how Kitty even lays in the pen with the chickens now.