Monday, January 5, 2009

My word

ignore- pay no attention to, refuse to consider, disregard deliberately. I shall endeavor to ignore things, people, places, words, etc. that cause me to have high blood pressure. I will try to ignore foods that aren't good for me (good luck on this), I shall ignore Satan trying to fill me with discouragement or ungodly temptation. I shall ignore the phone ringing into a much needed nap. ( I might ask everyone to ignore this post if I come up with a better word.) It is hard to find and pick just one word!


The Sauls Family said...

Just as long as you don't ignore me, it'll all be good. :P

The Ritchies said...

Ignore-ance is bliss! Great word, and good luck with your resolution. We discussed words with the kids, and we haven't settled on one yet. However, we have ruled out some of the suggestions, such as:

Brandon: "armpit fart"
Erin: "American girl doll"
Julia: "Webkinz"
Rachel: "Princess"
Brent: "Yummy yummy" and "pitapig!" (his transliteration of super pig - don't ask)

We enjoy reading your blog. You always have thoughtful comments.