Thursday, May 28, 2009

End of School Honors

First off I managed not to cry for once. End of school year celebrations always get to me. Maybe after all this time I am becoming matter-of-fact about them. We are talking about Jed and though he is my last he has never made me worry about last minute passing panic. (Dave, senior year, Matt freshman year)
We weren't sure if he would get any honors except honor roll because he never said anything. He ended up recieving the science award and second place in the GA Young Writers competition. His poem was entitled "The Sacred Tree" IF anyone has read it please let me know because I haven't had the privilege. He was told by one of the teachers who saw the results that he is currently rated in a tie for number two in class standing. No pressure on the boy but it would be great if he kept that up for the next three years. Now he just needs to expand and get some extracurricular stuff on that college application. Can he do it all and still attend early morning seminary with his eyes open? I don't know if I can stand the suspense for the next few years.


Susan said...

This to shall pass...and so will he. Jed is a natural student. I speak from experience :-) His and mine! Congrats on his awards. I know how difficult they are to get, and at least they were not some smelly, sweaty shirt!

Carol said...

Way to go Jed and Mom!!! Keep up the good work.