Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ordinary Days

Donald trying to reach the top of our huge sunflowers.

I recently watched a Hallmark movie called "The Magic of Ordinary Days" starring Keri Russell. Her life takes an unexpected turn and she ends up, well I won't tell the ending if you happen to ever see it. I think it was filmed in Idaho for all you westerners.
Anyway, that is what I love about summer in spite of the heat and humidity. I love digging into the dirt to plant seeds or walking along and spying a huge cucumber hanging on the vine. I like the boredom of knowing tomorrow I will get on the mower and go round and round in circles. Summer has a kind of predictability that is not present during the school year. Yet it also has a kind of magic as I watch the gardens grow, as long as I don't forget to water them. There is also the way nights are different. Nothing like dodging the horseflies who love to buzz over the pool right at dusk. Heck we even saw fireflies last week!


Carol said...

Donald almost looks like a midget next to the plants. They look wonderful. What are you going to do with your sunflowers?

Great pictures, by the way. Keep 'em coming.

Nancy Seaman said...

We will feed the birds all winter.