Once school starts as far as I am concerned summer is over! Summer is staying up late watching old monster movies or corny romances. It ain't happening these days. I am teaching seminary again this year and that means the alarm goes off at 5:15. That leads me to the point of this blog. I would include photos but I am anxious to get on with the rest of my evening and don't want to take time to download after I click.
( the photos would be of me in the empty house,though if I am in it, is it empty?)
I just finished doing what any girl without a Friday night date does...washing my hair and shaving my legs. The latter was made more interesting by the dog watching my every move from the outside the bathroom door. Heck yeah! the door is open. I am in the house alone and no one sneaks up on me.
As soon as I finish typing this I am headed for some food, tv, and my sewing machine.(wait was that a car door, who is here????)The door is locked.I can pretend to be gone. It didn't work, it was one of Jed's friend's. He is gone now. Anyway... Where is that bowl of brownie dough and the carton of ice cream?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Randy is Eileen's nephew. He came to live with them just about a year ago. His big sister is Andrea who we grew to love when she spent a few months here a couple of years ago.
Randy gave one of the most honest, heartfelt talks I've ever heard tonight at seminary graduation. He had to chose a favorite scripture mastery from this years Doctrine and Covenants course of study. He chose D&C 64:9-11. It talks about forgiveness. His talk brings out the very reason I love teaching seminary;the youth can truly humble us adults if we listen and learn from them.
We will miss Randy (along with the rest of the bunch of course). These are some lessons I have learned from him over the last year. Don't give up. Don't be afraid to tell people how you really feel. Be willing to learn something new. Be your own person. Accept change. I hope he has learned a few lessons also. Someone needs to lead. Sometimes you have to walk away. It is ok to cry. Never trust the neighbor who digs holes in his yard at midnight. Never watch Lifetime movies with Nana.
Randy gave one of the most honest, heartfelt talks I've ever heard tonight at seminary graduation. He had to chose a favorite scripture mastery from this years Doctrine and Covenants course of study. He chose D&C 64:9-11. It talks about forgiveness. His talk brings out the very reason I love teaching seminary;the youth can truly humble us adults if we listen and learn from them.
We will miss Randy (along with the rest of the bunch of course). These are some lessons I have learned from him over the last year. Don't give up. Don't be afraid to tell people how you really feel. Be willing to learn something new. Be your own person. Accept change. I hope he has learned a few lessons also. Someone needs to lead. Sometimes you have to walk away. It is ok to cry. Never trust the neighbor who digs holes in his yard at midnight. Never watch Lifetime movies with Nana.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The perfect gift
Some people have a knack for finding just the right gift for people they love. I was not blessed with that talent. In fact, I struggle so much with it, I have given up and started giving money along with my best wishes and expression of eternal love. I know how it feels to be the person standing looking on when someone else gives the perfect gift. You smile and say, Oh, how sweet,beautiful,thoughtful,etc. while inside you are screaming,why, why, couldn't I have thought of that? We all know that love is not based on perfect gifts. Love is so much deeper and is only measured in ways that cannot be defined.
Having said this, David and Eileen gave me the perfect gift yesterday. Anyone who sees it will have to agree. Hopefully it will survive the small children, cats, dogs, birds, thiefs, etc. until I can find a nice safe place for it.Here is the website the inspiration came from and here are the photos of my fairy garden.

Having said this, David and Eileen gave me the perfect gift yesterday. Anyone who sees it will have to agree. Hopefully it will survive the small children, cats, dogs, birds, thiefs, etc. until I can find a nice safe place for it.Here is the website the inspiration came from and here are the photos of my fairy garden.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Jed's Prom
Jed's junior prom was yesterday. Natascha made him reluctantly go with her. Not that he minds going places with her, just places that entail putting on long pants and combing his hair.
He was counting on my rose garden to provide flowers for a bouquet but when they didn't cooperate he started panicking a little and made a late night trip to Walmart Friday night because that is where everyone gets their girl flowers for prom. Sat morn I saw the measly little bundle of white mums he had picked up and asked if that was it. He informed me he expected me to do something with them.
Thanks to Melissa Nickle, who gave us all such insight into making do with what you have, I created a lovely little nosegay for Natascha. The pics don't do it justice. The zinna's had just burst into bloom and were the right color. The fern had survived the cold winter. I had purple pins Melissa had left behind. Oh, and Jed had picked up a roll of purple ribbon with the carnations.
There was one tiny little purple rosebud we watched all day, hoping to see it burst into full bloom before evening. At the eleventh hour I gave up and cut it anyway and pushed it into the middle of the mums and zinnas. Natascha thought it all was perfect and in the end her opinion is the only one that mattered.

He was counting on my rose garden to provide flowers for a bouquet but when they didn't cooperate he started panicking a little and made a late night trip to Walmart Friday night because that is where everyone gets their girl flowers for prom. Sat morn I saw the measly little bundle of white mums he had picked up and asked if that was it. He informed me he expected me to do something with them.
Thanks to Melissa Nickle, who gave us all such insight into making do with what you have, I created a lovely little nosegay for Natascha. The pics don't do it justice. The zinna's had just burst into bloom and were the right color. The fern had survived the cold winter. I had purple pins Melissa had left behind. Oh, and Jed had picked up a roll of purple ribbon with the carnations.
There was one tiny little purple rosebud we watched all day, hoping to see it burst into full bloom before evening. At the eleventh hour I gave up and cut it anyway and pushed it into the middle of the mums and zinnas. Natascha thought it all was perfect and in the end her opinion is the only one that mattered.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Cinnamon Rolls (It's been awhile)
It's been awhile since I blogged and made cinnamon rolls. I made some yesterday for Jimmy's birthday. I been doing this for a number of years now, don't even remember when I started. That got me thinking... there are few things I do well but I do make great cinnamon rolls. It isn't a lie I am known in at least six states for the quality of my rolls. Stop by and maybe I will make another pan because yesterday's batch is all gone.
Look for blogs on the reception and Christmas coming soon now that I have the pics downloaded.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Parade 2010
I can't believe I didn't post at all during November! I guess I was busy enjoying the beautiful weather and picking up pecans.We didn't have a good crop this year, but it took several days to pick up and rake under the trees.
Thanksgiving was wonderful with family and great food. I am always happiest with a house full of company.
Anyway, G-dad and I decided not to do the parade this year but we got vetoed real quick by Sarah, Tabi and most of all Eileen. I was really thinking of her because she has had such a busy last few weeks. She rallied Randy into putting lights on the trailer and Andrea helped decorate the golf cart on the day of the parade. I think Sarah helped too but I stayed out of the way and told them to just tell me where to sit.
I can't believe they pulled it off again. Thirty-one adults, teens, and children in place by the start of the parade. The only hitch was the box of candy that got left at home. G- mom almost got left behind but she kicked it into high gear. I still don't know how Dave managed to manuever the golf cart between the floats in line, to get her from the parking lot to the truck. We thought she and G-dad were going to duke it out deciding where Dallin would ride. Guess who won that fight!
Sunday, October 24, 2010

I got a new computer for my birthday. Well, the other one did up and die at the right time. I have been playing with the scanner options and this involves looking at a lot of pictures.
I found this one of the beloved Mr. Bill. Carol can write a big blog about him. I know she has referenced him. He was a family friend for years. Carol was commenting on how I seem to be the only child with a nickname that stuck (I think Jimmy was called Tiger for awhile.)Anyway, to tie this all together, I think it was Mr. Bill who techically gave me the nickname. He and Dad were the ones who used it most. I haven't heard it much lately. Does that mean after 55 years I have out grown it? Or does this mean I am no longer the favorite child?
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Shop
This is our latest addition to the compound. Donald and David spent their summer vacation (starting in April ending in August) building Eileen a shop for the businesses. It is now complete with refrigerator and microwave. It does have a large upstairs area with the kids play toys and plenty of storage for inventory. The teenagers discovered what a cool place it was to hang out in. Eileen discovered they were messier than the children. If you want to get in touch with Eileen these days don't call the home phone she won't be there! She can be found enjoying HER space. The last picture is of course the "Barn" It just looks so pretty this time of year I had to take a photo.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Power Shopping

Twice a year the commissary at the local military bases has a case lot sale. It has become a very popular event with the family. Ever see seven hundred dollars worth of groceries crammed into the back of a suburban? Today's total was $475.36. One of the reasons I can uaually get someone to go with me on these trips is the promise of a "special treat" of their chosing. Today Randy scored with a huge can of cashews.
I would tell you how much they cost but men in suits would come and haulme away for spilling top secret info.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Cuss words
It is really funny when a three year old lets loose with a cuss word. It is really funny when a seventy-three year old lets loose with a cuss word. Anyone in between, not so much. Having said that, I love the ideas set forth in this blog http://guidetostuffmormonslike.blogspot.com/2008/12/finding-excuses-to-swear-without-it.html#links. If I knew how to link I would but since I don't just type it in. It will be worth your efforts. I personally have very little experience in this area but all you out there who do, will welcome this validation.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
AS everyone knows, we around here don't need much of an excuse for a party. A couple of weeks ago we decided to have one last get-together before the start of school. The occasion was to celebrate Meghan, Donald and Grandaddy's birthdays. Food was fabulous as always. Chocolate cake and coconut cake!We held it right after church since there was plenty of room and air conditioning.

Grandaddy is modeling one of his new vests made by Betsy Miller. He had mentioned months ago he would like another vest to wear with his suspenders on Sunday. Then he could still look dressy without wearing a tie and jacket. I searched some stores, then went to Goodwill, but couldn't find anything. When I found out Betsy was working part-time at a local fabric store I asked for her help. She graciously offered to sew Dad a vest. I was overwhelmed when I found out she had made him five new vests. They are so stylish!! She made a couple of heavier ones for colder weather even. Dad was so surprised when we gave them to him. Betsy has always claimed to be one of the Cattell sisters and her place in the family is truly secure.

Grandaddy is modeling one of his new vests made by Betsy Miller. He had mentioned months ago he would like another vest to wear with his suspenders on Sunday. Then he could still look dressy without wearing a tie and jacket. I searched some stores, then went to Goodwill, but couldn't find anything. When I found out Betsy was working part-time at a local fabric store I asked for her help. She graciously offered to sew Dad a vest. I was overwhelmed when I found out she had made him five new vests. They are so stylish!! She made a couple of heavier ones for colder weather even. Dad was so surprised when we gave them to him. Betsy has always claimed to be one of the Cattell sisters and her place in the family is truly secure.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tabi and Evan's Wedding
Just a few random shots I took. I am sure everyone has seen the formal pics on facebook. The food was fabulous, great shrimp and bruschetta with pico de gallo. What a cake! Allyson did a terrific job with it. There was only a handleful of Susan's marvelous meatballs left. My gang had such a great time we ended up taking the party back to the compound for swimming and more eating.

I didn't get a pic of the little ones dancing. Gretchen ran and grabbed her"Nate" when the music started and was dragging him around the dance floor. I think he enjoyed the cake eating part better.

I didn't get a pic of the little ones dancing. Gretchen ran and grabbed her"Nate" when the music started and was dragging him around the dance floor. I think he enjoyed the cake eating part better.
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