Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wall of Insanity

(In Doctor office, shaking all over as I recline on the table.)
Doctor,"So, Mrs. Seaman what do you think caused you to have this condition?"
Mrs. Seaman, " It was either the clutter or the sugar, I'm not quite sure."

Several years ago Dave and Eileen gave me my first machine for Christmas. I was working at the time and enjoyed taking candy into the office and delighting my co-workers with a little treat. The collection grew as a new machine came out the following year. Twenty-two machines later this is the result. That doesn't count the other little doodads in the collection. Should they be buried with me or should I let the Smithsonian have them?


Susan said...

I thought every time you eat an M & M, you felt as though you had "died and gone to heaven." Doesn't that satisfy both your "burial" requirements and donations to the Smithsonian?? Actually, one of these days, you gotta go with me to Orlando and go to the M * M world!!!

The Sauls Family said...

Now to make sure that all of them are filled with M&Ms....